TI-Kenya launches app to improve governance in education and health sector

A4T mobile App in use. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA:The A4T mobile Application was  on Thursday officially rolled out in Nairobi to ensure proper tracking of disbursements and expenditure in Public Primary Schools and Health Centres.

The Head of Programs Transparency International-Kenya (TI-Kenya) Sheila Masinde said that citizens can lodge any complaints anonymously on embezzlement of public funds through the accountability platform.

“This is a mode of citizen participation whereby leaders can be held to account in case funds are not used responsibly. Devolution advocates for the citizenry of an area to air their views on matters of development,” Ms. Masinde remarked during the launch of the app at Peter Kibukosya Primary School in Nairobi.

Josefine Hornberg from the Swedish Embassy in Kenya noted that the android app could be very useful to Kenyans because they have always let it be known that their priorities include a well streamlined education and health sector.

Ms. Masinde however advised that the beneficiaries of the technology could only be Nairobi residents, at the moment.

“The launch of the A4T project seeks to engage all stakeholders within the education and health sectors in Nairobi to effectively monitor use of public resources at schools and health centres. Today’s launch marks the scale up of the project to an additional 52 primary schools within Nairobi County, “she continued.

A4T is funded by the Swedish Embassy and jointly implemented by TI-Kenya and PAWA Initiative.

