Suspected Wakali Kwanza gang member killed in Likoni


Mombasa,KENYA: An Irate mob in Likoni have killed a  suspected member of the dreaded Wakali kwanza gang who had  stolen money  from a matatu conductor, This is according to police sources who spoke to Baraka  FM.

The middle aged man who hails from Lunga Lunga was stoned to death  and later set a blaze after he was cornered  at around the  Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) offices in Likoni in the 4 am incident.

The man’s  accomplice managed to escaped from the crowd and vanished into the densely populated streets.

“The man had grabbed sh 200 and ran away but he was caught up  by the mob,”said the police source who requested anonymity.

“The suspects have been roaming at around the ferry area, he has no specific job and we suspect he is a member of  those gangs who steal from unsuspecting people,

“added the source.

Likoni DCIO  Henry Ndombi confirmed the incident saying  their efforts to save the man’s life were futile.

“We got information that the suspect had earlier snatched  money from a Matatu conductor and in the process of running,he was cornered by an irate mob.The man had raised alarm attracting a mob who caught up with him and killed him  on the spot,”said the DCIO boss.

He further warned the members of the public against taking the law into their hands and urged the public to report  such matters to the law enforcers.

The body was moved to  the Coast General mortuary.

