Prominent politicians funding crime,Kisauni residents

Police patrolling Kisauni PHOTO file

Mombasa,KENYA: Kisauni residents have said that prominent politicians are funding criminal gangs in the area.

In a meeting with security stakeholders  held by the Mombasa youth county assembly together  with young people in Kisauni Constituency at Kadongo grounds, the residents complained that the criminal gangs were prevalent because politicians were funding them.

‘We know that gangs like wakali kwanza are funded by politicians for instance when one of them is arrested the politicians will  bailout  that person . That won’t help us fight crime the government should do something.’Said a resident who sought anonymity.

Among the stake holders were area Mp, Aspirants, local area chiefs, community policing heads, residents and local leaders from the area.

Speaking at the event, the Majority assembly  Leader Swaleh Adoo to said they had picked Kisauni because it insecurity is a major problem in the area.

“We have decided this time to hold our public participation in Kisauni area because insecurity is a major problem here and we want the youth to  air their grievances so that those in charge of security can take a step ahead  and make sure the residents are safe especially  during the  election period”.said Swale Adoo.

County executive  of education in the youth Assembly Ali Salim Said promised the residents that their views had been heard and would be addressed after they hold meetings with security details including Mombasa County Commisioner Evans Achoki.

‘We assure you that your views have been heard and we will address then and we urge you to give reports  to the police so that we can help keep our country at peace.’Said Ali.

The Youth Assembly holds meetings with the youth around Mombasa to discuss issues affecting them.

