Nelson Marwa threatens to arrest politicians


Kilifi,KENYA:Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa has warned politicians and aspirants funding chaos across the region.Marwa warned that the politicians would face the arm of the law if they were found engaging in such acts.

Addressing journalists on Thursday at Mnarani in Kilifi county,the coast regional coordinator warned young people across the region to  avoid being used by politicians to disrupt peace .

‘Youth should reject the little enticements given to them by politicians and engage in something constructive to improve their lives’said Marwa.

Marwa had toured Kilifi county  to officiate the construction  Ganze-Bamba road which was initiated by president Uhuru Kenyatta when he toured the area last year.

Marwa also said that the central government is doing its best to provide water and relief food to hunger struck residents in the region.He thanked organizations helping to solve the problem

“I give many thanks to the Mombasa Cement boss for supplying water in the region,the government is also providing relief food in Ganze,Bamba and many other areas affected by drought” Said Marwa.

In regards to the war against narcotics,Marwa said the war on drugs is still on and the government was doing its best to arrest  the barons.

“We have information that some of the drug dealers are attempting to escape but their days are numbered.”he said.

Marwa is expected to tour Taita-Taveta and Tana River counties after the Easter holidays to inspect projects that had earlier been officiated by the national government.

Major roads under construction in the region include   the Voi-Taveta road that will connect Kenya to Tanzania when completed, upgrading  of the bitumen standards at the Hola-Bura-Charidende-Madogo road in Tana river county and the Dongo Kundu bypass project.


