Janet Jackson separates from her billionaire husband 3 months after  giving birth

Janet Jackson and her estranged husband Wissam Al Mana PHOTO COURTESY

Pop  singer Janet Jackson has separated from her Qatari husband Wissam Al Mana just 3 months after giving birth to her son Eissa Al Mana.

According to American entertainment website Page six, the couple decided to part ways in an amicable way after they felt that things were not really working out.

Various sources to the couple say that trouble had been brewing for months  in the 5 year old  marriage as a result of  a clash of cultures and the birth of their 3 month old son Eissa, as they both have different views on how the son should be brought up.

Wissam her husband is said to be a staunch Muslim who dictated on her dressing and her appearance in public.

The site  goes further to say that the singer was not happy at her husband reluctance to meet her family and friends.

And the singer reportedly got fed up after her husband showed little concern to her 86 year old mother Katherine Jackson who lived with the couple in their London home after filing a restraining order against her nephew Trent citing months of abuse.

The breakup comes just 3 months after she gave birth to her son Eissa Al Mana after postponing her 3rd leg of her unbreakable world tour to concentrate on her pregnancy.

The couple has not yet commented in regards to the matter but a  quote on her husband’s official website wissamalmana.com where he gushes about her is yet to be pulled down.

“To the most beautiful person in the world, thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend. I love you so much, inshallah we will be together in the Great Forever x.” Reads the quote alongside a photo of Jackson.

This was the 3rd marriage for Jackson who was once married to singer James Debarge and dancer Rene Elizondo.

However, critics say the move is  well calculated by the singer after reports emerged in 2013 just a year after they got married that  her billionaire husband had guaranteed  her a one time payoff of $500 million in a prenup agreement  if they divorced after 5 years of marriage .

