Lamu West MP hopeful accuses police of denying Joho’s Mpeketoni rally security

Lamu politician Rishad Amana. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Lamu, KENYA: Lamu politician Rishad Amana has accused the county administration of deliberately failing to provide security when ODM politicians led by Mombasa governor Hassan Joho toured Mpeketoni last Saturday.

Agitated youths pelted Joho’s entourage with mangoes and onions and also jeered at the governor when he attempted to address the crowd.

The planned rally failed to take place as the politicians fled for their lives.

Amana now wants police to have the incident thoroughly investigated and prompt action taken against the perpetrators.

Speaking on Tuesday,Amana said the security office knew too well of the planned rally by ODM but said he could not understand why no police officers were accorded the politicians as expected by law.

He said it was unfair for the security office to act in a partisan manner with certain individuals based on their political affiliations while being totally considerate with others.

Amana observed that had there been police at the rally, the chaos witnessed would not have taken place and asked county commissioner Joseph Kanyiri to treat the matter with the seriousness it deserves.

Amana who is vying for the Lamu West parliamentary seat on an ODM party ticket, said there was need for tolerance and for all politicians to be allowed to take their campaigns to any part of the country and sell their manifestos and agendas saying Kenya was a democratic nation.

He has however revealed that ODM was planning a return rally to Mpeketoni within the next ten days to continue with their campaigns, in a bid to solidify support for ODM and the National Supper Alliance.

“We are still puzzled at how the government refused to provide security for the Mpeketoni rally.All we want now is for investigations to find out the truth and deal with all those involved,” said Amana.

Earlier, the county commissioner had insinuated that the politicians had not sought clearance from his department.

He however promised to have the matter investigated and that anyone who will be found culpable; shall be charged with incitement.


