Coca-Cola foundation grants Tana -Nairobi Fund sh. 160M to protect water shed areas

Dr. Susan Mboya- Kidero (President of the Coca Cola Foundation), Eng. Philip Gichuki (CEO, Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company), Charles Oluchina (The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Africa Field Programs Director). PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Coca- Cola Africa foundation has announced that it will give sh. 160 million grant to the nature conservancy’s upper Tana -Nairobi water Fund in bid to support and protect water shed projects in the country.

Gracing the event in Nairobi on Friday, Coca-Cola Africa Foundation president  Dr. Susan Mboya said that the grant will boost water conservation to avert drought being witnessed as a result of climate change.

“We strongly believe that water funds are effective mechanism to bring upstream and downstream water users and stakeholders together ,towards the shared purpose of conserving the health and vitality of the watershed.” Said Dr Mboya.

The rain project and support of the water fund aims at improving water service delivery and reliability for up to 600,000 people in Nairobi and provide skills for development training for up to 16,000 people.

She said that nature conservancy will work with businesses men, water authorities and farmers to identify the water shade areas in restoration of environment.

Nairobi Water Fund is a public-private partnership that was launched in Nairobi on 20th March 2015.

As one of the pioneer water funds in Africa, it is investing in conservation programs that benefit communities across the Upper Tana watershed.

The grant is a commitment on the upcoming celebrations of world water day which will be celebrated on March 22nd.

