Uhuru woos Lamu governor Timamy to join Jubilee

President Uhuru Kenyatta at Witu Primary School grounds in Lamu County on Thursday March 9, 2017. PHOTO: FILE

Lamu, KENYA: President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto’s visit to Lamu for the official commissioning of the Lamu-Garsen road seems to have bore fruit in determining Lamu’s allegiance and support towards the Jubilee party come the August 8 general election.

Pundits have been unable to pin Lamu’s allegiance to any political faction be it Jubilee or the opposition.

Its however evident that Jubilee has a higher support base in the county bearing in mind that a quite a number of the top leadership have already given their word to back the party in the elections including governor Issa Timamy,senator Abu Chiaba,MPs Athman Shariff-Lamu East and Julius Ndegwa-Lamu west.

While speaking in Witu town on Thursday during the road launch,the president and deputy urged Lamu locals and leaders to support Jubilee for guaranteed development and stay away from empty talk politicking being propagated by the opposition.

The president urged Timamy to stop groping in the dark and instead join forces with Jubileee to enable him deliver real development to people of Lamu.

“Our objective is development and not just talk.what I want from Lamu leaders especially governor Timamy and his people is for you to join Jubilee so that we can walk together to development,”said Kenyatta.

Leaders among them Lamu East MP Julius Ndegwa,his Lamu East counterpar Athman Shariff and senator Abu Chiaba joined forces in pleading with governor Timamy to support the Jubilee party and ensure it clinches power at the ballot.

They also urged Timamy to ditch his ANC party for Jubilee saying it’s never too late to join a visionary party that would guarantee Lamu the much needed development.

“We are calling on the governor to stop associating with the opposition and instead support Jubilee.We believe that if Jubilee wins again in the ballot,Lamu stands to benefit a lot,”said Ndegwa.

It will be remembered that Lamu backed the then opposition ODM in the last general elections in 2013.

However,scales seem to have shifted in favor of the Jubilee side in this year’s election considering that many leaders in the county had either joined or declared their support for the party.

Lamu governor Issa Timamy has also pledged his support for the Jubilee party but asked them president to return to the county in April after which the county’s decision on the matter shall have been made.

“We will cooperate with the Jubilee government and as for support we are calling on the president to come back in April so that we sit down and talk when he has time then we will tell him what we feel as a county and we promise it will be good news,” said Timamy.

President Uhuru Kenyatta is currently in his four-day tour of Coast counties where he is expected tp  commission various projects.

From Lamu President Kenyatta is slated to inspect the building of Sala Gate road in Malindi, Kilifi County then commission medical equipment at Malindi Hospital and later address a public rally in Malindi Town.

President Uhuru is expected in Mombasa and Kwale from Friday to Sunday.

