Mombasa tycoon Ali Punjani denies fighting in public with Akasha sons


Mombasa, KENYA: Mombasa tycoon Ali Punjani on Monday denied allegations of him being involved in a fight with the three sons of slain drug baron Ibrahim Akasha on New Year’s Eve.

Punjani is accused of  being involved in a fight with Baktash Akasha, Ibrahim Akasha, Abbdulsalam Akasha and and an Indian Vijagiri Goswami, causing disturbance in public.

Mombasa Senior Principal Magistrate Francis Kyambia ordered him to be  released on Sh. 20,000 cash bail.

On Friday Baktash, Ibrahim and Abdulsalam, Goswami also denied being involved in a fight with tycoon Punjani at Rahjan Bar and Restaurant in Kisauni and were released on Sh20,000 cash bill.

READ ALSO: Akasha sons charged in court for fighting in public

The case will be heard on 3rd April 2017.

